Tyriffic Solutions


Our Credit Repair Services Agreement

This Credit Repair Services Agreement is made and entered into by and between  , with a principal place of business at Tyriffic Solutions.

Services Tyriffic Solutions agrees to provide credit repair services to Client as described in the Scope of Services, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Tyriffic Solutions shall use reasonable efforts to assist Client in improving their credit score and credit profile by disputing inaccurate or incomplete information on the Client's credit report(s) with the credit reporting agencies and/or creditors.

Fees Client shall pay Tyriffic Solutions for the services rendered as described in the Scope of Services. The fees and payment terms are described in Exhibit B, attached hereto.

Refund Policy If no deletions occur on the Client's credit report(s) in 180 days from the date of engagement of Tyriffic Solutions services, Client is entitled to a full refund of any fees paid to Tyriffic Solutions. This refund policy is contingent upon the Client providing Tyriffic Solutions with any and all requested documentation and information necessary for Tyriffic Solutions to perform the services.
You have no new collection or missed or missed payment during the time frame of assisting.
You have maintain credit monitoring the time during assisting

Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Sharing of Information Tyriffic Solutions agrees to maintain a privacy policy and a cookie policy that outlines how Client information is collected, used, and protected. Tyriffic Solutions may share Client information with third parties, such as credit bureaus or collection agencies, in order to perform the services. Tyriffic Solutions will not sell, rent, or lease Client information to any third parties for any reason without the Client's express written consent.

Usage Tracking Tyriffic Solutions may track usage of its website or services in order to improve the quality of those services. Tyriffic Solutions will not collect any personally identifiable information through such usage tracking.

Public Safety Tyriffic Solutions may disclose Client information to law enforcement agencies or other public safety officials if required by law or if necessary to protect the public or Tyriffic Solutions property. Tyriffic Solutions will provide Client with notice of any such disclosure, unless prohibited by law.

Consent from Client Client agrees to provide informed consent before engaging the services of Tyriffic Solutions. Client acknowledges that they have reviewed and understood the terms of this Agreement, including the refund policy, privacy policy, cookie policy, and other policies outlined herein.

Cancellation Policy Client may cancel the credit repair services at any time by providing written notice to Tyriffic Solutions. If the client cancels the services within the first 5 business days of engaging the services, the client will receive a full refund of any fees paid. If the client wishes to cancel the recurring payment for the credit repair services, the client must provide written notice to Tyriffic Solutions at least 3 business days prior to the upcoming recurring payment. If Client cancels the services after the first 5 business days of engaging the services, Client will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid to Tyriffic Solutions.

Termination of Services If Client cancels the services, Tyriffic Solutions will cease providing credit repair services to the Client. Tyriffic Solutions may retain any Client information necessary to fulfill any legal obligations or to comply with any regulatory requirements.

10. Modifications Tyriffic Solutions may modify this Agreement at any time by providing written notice to the Client. The Client agrees to review and accept any modifications to this Agreement before continuing to use the credit repair services.



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