Tyriffic Solutions


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It is your right and responsibility to assure the accuracy of the items on your credit reports. If information recorded on your credit reports does not accurately represent your behavior as a consumer, then you have the right to request that questionable information be removed from your reports. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) afford you the legal right to dispute inaccurate items on your credit reports with the credit bureaus and your individual creditors.

There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative items from a credit report.

Contrary to what credit bureaus want you to believe, credit training does work in most circumstances. But it only works if you are getting the best advice from an experienced professional. Anyone with a credit score below 720 can benefit long-term from the advice and information provided through credit education. However, there are limiting factors that will prevent us from helping you. Two main factors are: (1) your financial situation and/or (2) the time frame in which you need to reach your results. It is possible to remove anything from a credit report, even accurate items. For instance, if the creditor makes mistakes or does not adhere to the specific time frame, the negative item may be removed.

Unfortunately, since every credit report is unique, there is no way to predict how long it will take to repair your credit. Having said that, we help hundreds of thousands of people each year in working to restore their credit, and they typically stay with us for six months. With our team of professionals, our removal process is streamlined to get you results.

We don’t only work to remove the negative, inaccurate information from your credit report. We also give you the information you need to increase your credit score.

Once you complete the sign-up process, we will begin working on your credit report to remove any inaccurate information. The program also provides you with the information you need to keep working on raising your credit score.

Yes! Fill out the form on the website and someone will be in contact with you within 24 hours. kindly book a free consultation with us to speak with an expert that can give you required guideline. BOOK FREE CONSULTATION

No active Bankruptcies

Kindly check out our pricing plan. OUR PRICING PLAN

You can expect to see results in maximum of 180 days

There are many things that can affect your credit score, but for now let’s go over the main negative and positive factors.

Negative- Collections, Charge- offs, Repos, Loans, Delinquent accounts, closed account, Medical Bills and Late Payments.Positive- Long and
Positive Credit History, Low Credit Utilization, Positive Trade Lines, On-Time Payments and Paying More Than the Monthly Minimum On Payments.
Each person’s credit report is different and each item on the report holds a different weight. If your score isn’t rising or is declining slowly; the main issue causing this is simply that the weight of the negatives is outweighing the positives. If you have been making your payments on time, but your credit utilization rate is above 30% then you may see a slow increase. If you are to remove any negative items but don’t have much positive credit recorded underneath, then you may experience a small decline in your score or a very small increase. On the other hand, if you remove many negative items and underneath you DO have positive credit, your score will rise 90% of the time!

NO, there are no binding contracts, you are allowed to cancel service at anytime with no questions asked. There is a customer agreement that must be signed. The customer agreement outlines our responsibilities as well as your responsibilities as a customer while receiving credit repair services at A plus Credit Builder

Your payment history is one of the most important credit scoring factors. Having a long history of paying different types of accounts on time can help you build excellent credit, while missing payments can hurt your credit.

If late payments are hurting your scores, removing late payments from your credit reports may be an option. For example, if a creditor reported you late when you paid on time, you can file a dispute with the credit bureau to get your credit report corrected.

The first step in figuring out how to remove a late payment from a credit report is to review your credit report and now what should and shouldn’t be there.

Your personal information will not be shared with anybody. The only time information is shared would be with an affiliate partner who is a part of the dispute process. their credit score within the first 45 days of signing up for credit repair. The reason we cannot provide you with an exact time frame because credit scores are based on five factors that impact the actual score, these five factors include, length of credit, types of credit, new credit, payment history and amounts owed.

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We'll Clean Up The Past So You Can Enjoy Your Future!

Great credit helps you save money and lets you experience a higher quality lifestyle

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